Welcome To The Weekly Titan Forge Newsletter

Hello, Titans!

As a team member at Titan Forge and a personal trainer, I am so excited to have the role of creating our new weekly newsletter!

To begin, What is Titan Forge?

Titan Forge is a premium supplement company that was built to deliver quality supplements with whole, responsibly sourced ingredients. No fillers or harmful chemicals that will negatively impact your health or give you cancer.

What Does Our Name Mean?

TITAN: a person or thing of very great strength, intellect, or importance

FORGE: make or shape something by exposing it to extreme pressure

At TITAN FORGE, we are committed to helping people shape themselves into TITANS, by providing premium supplements and high quality gear


What will Titan Forge's newsletter consist of?

The Titan Forge newsletter will be a resource for you to stay up-to-date with new products/flavors in production. In addition to learning more about our company, our newsletter will also contain many fitness topics that will help you stay on top of your game and achieve your fitness goals!

Titan Forge Fun Facts:

- All our supplements were created by doctors, backed by the most recent research.

- All manufacturing takes place in the U.S. with strict quality control requirements, guaranteeing purity and removing cross contamination found with overseas manufacturers.

Month Of July Newsletter Schedule:

Week 1 - Weight Loss 101

Week 2 - How To Build Muscle Using Our Whey Protein

Week 3 - Intro To Creatine

Week 4 - Sleep And Recovery


By Logan Mandeville